Au Jus

Yes, we know: “Au Jus” means “with juice,” and occa­sion­al­ly you see a menu with prime rib or a French dip sand­wich say­ing “With Au Jus.” If you’re the kind of wiseass who has to say, “Oh, it comes WITH WITH  juice?” try not to imag­ine going to Coci­na Kitchen Restau­rant on the cor­ner of Table Mesa Road and Plaza Square Dri­ve after stop­ping at the auto­mat­ic ATM machine. It’ll be messy if your head explodes.

Ginger Marinated Tuna Steak With Wasabi Butter

Best tuna steak you’ll ever taste. Don’t feed it to your cat or I will find you and things could get ugly.

Murder Victim Enchiladas

You’ll straight up mur­der these enchi­ladas! Try to wait till they cool off a lit­tle, though.

Labor of Love Ragu

This sauce is a lot of work. It’s more than worth it.

Asian Fish Tacos

Every day IS Taco Tuesday!

French Toast

Jesus and Mary don’t appear on this French toast. This French toast appears on Jesus and Mary: They have match­ing tattoos.

BLT Pizza

That Dough­boy already gets all the chicks. Now he’s stealin’ our sammiches!

Jalapeño Bacon Flat Bread

Is it Ital­ian or Mex­i­can? Who cares?

Toenail-Free Almond Cookies

For some rea­son even the best Chi­nese restau­rants usu­al­ly serve fac­to­ry-pack­aged almond cook­ies with all the appeal of a card­board beer coast­er with a toe­nail on top. Here’s how to get that dis­gust­ing image out of your brain.


Spicy Garlic-Mint Sauce

Gar­lic and mint mixed togeth­er? Don’t knock it till you try it.