King Ranch Chicken Casserole

The Chick­en King is baked! Long live the Chick­en King!

Green Chili Rice Casserole

Fast, easy and cheap–three of my favorite things!

Cheese Enchiladas

Spi­der-Man approved!

Egg Casserole

All the king’s hors­es and all the king’s men can’t make this casse­role. You’re on your own.

Peg Leg Mary’s Breakfast Cass-ARR-ole

Take my advice and make way too much of this break­fast! It’s one of those dish­es that tastes even bet­ter warmed up in the microwave over the next few days.

Your Grandma’s Green Bean Casserole

I have a recipe for Supe­ri­or Green Bean Casse­role, but some­times you want it the way your Grand­ma used to make it: Way too much salt, mushy canned beans, greasy French-fried onions and all. I don’t judge.

Superior Green Bean Casserole

Every­body loves this Thanks­giv­ing tra­di­tion, but if you want to hear peo­ple rave about how good yours is, this recipe is the way to go!

California Cheese Casserole

I’m so sor­ry about the grilled cheese pic­ture. Oh, wait—no I’m not.

Thanksgiving Leftovers Casserole

This is so good I occa­sion­al­ly make it from scratch with­out wait­ing for leftovers!

Pizza Crescent Casserole

It’s a casse­role piz­za, but it’s NOT that slimy cold stuff you got at school.