Fluffy Scrambled Eggs

You know how when you go to a din­er or deli, the omelettes or scram­bled eggs are all pret­ty and fluffy? How do they do that? Sim­ple: By sum­mon­ing demons, which I don’t rec­om­mend. Here’s a safer way to make fluffy eggs yourself.

Lorraine’s Potato Salad

If you’re grilling or pic­nick­ing out­side, it should be ille­gal not to have pota­to sal­ad with your sand­wich­es or brisket or hot dogs or whatever.

Watergate Salad

They should rename this; the name just pro­voke mem­o­ries of ex-pres­i­dent Nixon, not salad.

4‑Bean Salad

No, not those beans.

Rocky Road Brownies

Cut­ting into squares is total­ly optional.

California Cheese Casserole

I’m so sor­ry about the grilled cheese pic­ture. Oh, wait—no I’m not.

American Chop Suey

All chop suey is Amer­i­can chop suey: Chop suey was (prob­a­bly) invent­ed in New York City in 1896. Oh well.

Lorraine’s Pasta Salad

Open wide! Here comes the pasta!