Meatloaf Casserole

This may very well be the ulti­mate in com­fort food!

British Pub Meat Pie

The great thing about this recipe is that the ingre­di­ents and steps list­ed here are just basic sug­ges­tions for how to assem­ble the pie. You can put just about any ingre­di­ents togeth­er and still wind up with a killer tasty pie.

Stuffed Meatloaf

If you’ve nev­er tried meat­loaf with stuff­ing, you’re miss­ing a real treat!

Inverted Nipple Cookies

Serv­ing sug­ges­tion: Arrange a bunch of bras on the table and put a cook­ie in each cup.

Upside Down Meatloaf

Meat­loaf is a com­fort food, and as such is sub­ject to the fol­low­ing require­ments: 1. It must be served with mashed pota­toes and green beans. 2. Din­ers must mix the  peas and mashed pota­to together.

Skillet Cornbread

The oper­a­tive word in this recipe’s title is SKILLET. If you don’t have a 9‑inch cast-iron skil­let that would also make a dandy mur­der weapon, go get one.


Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

One of the ulti­mate com­fort foods.


Read this book right after din­ner. That is the very clos­est a cat should ever get to your lasagnea.

Italian Meat Sauce (Lasagnea, Spaghetti, Whatevs)

Half-naked come­di­an sold separately.