Easy Pierogi Casserole
Pierogis: A pillar of Polish cuisine!
Easy-Peasy Pizza Dough
This pizza dough is not only delicious, it’s also FAST—it needs only 30 minutes to rise—so from start to finish you’ll have hot pizza in less than an hour!
Ever noticed that many international cuisines have their own version of leavened or unleavened flatbread? Blintzes, crêpes, pita, naan, pancakes, focaccia, chapati, injera, roti, barbari, frybread–they’re all great! Here’s one of Mexico’s versions of flatbread: Tortillas!
Taco Seasoning
You can always wuss out and buy one o’ them envelopes, or you can trade up!
Bubble & Squeak
This recipe sails right past “Oh I say!” and “Wot’s all this then?” and approaches Terry-Thomas levels of sheer Britishness.
- Categories:
- British
- Entrées
- International
- Leftovers
Sauce. Alfredo Sauce. Stirred, Not Shaken
You can call this Supernatural Elf Counselor Sauce if you want, but that’s too silly for me.
Murder Victim Enchiladas
You’ll straight up murder these enchiladas! Try to wait till they cool off a little, though.
- Hat Tip:
- Denny Cassel Hartman
- Categories:
- Chicken
- Entrées
- Mexican
Next up: Leekiladas and Rhubarbacoa!
Tamale Corn Cakes With Carnitas
This recipe is like the D‑Day invasion at Normandy: Messy and complicated!
- Categories:
- Entrées
- Meat!
- Mexican
- Sauce/Relish
British Pub Meat Pie
The great thing about this recipe is that the ingredients and steps listed here are just basic suggestions for how to assemble the pie. You can put just about any ingredients together and still wind up with a killer tasty pie.
- Hat Tip:
- James May
- Categories:
- British
- Comfort Food
- Entrées
- Meat!