This recipe sails right past “Oh I say!” and “Wot’s all this then?” and approaches Terry-Thomas levels of sheer Britishness.

- Ingredients:
- 1 lb. leftover mashed potatoes or 1 lb. leftover boiled potatoes or 1 lb. leftover roast potato, diced
- 1 lb. leftover cooked cabbage or 1 lb. leftover cooked Brussels sprouts, finely chopped
- 2 oz. butter
- Salt
- Black pepper
Mix the cabbage or sprouts with the mashed or diced cooked potatoes and season to taste with salt and black pepper.
Method if using mashed potatoes:
Heat the butter in a large frying pan, add the potato mixture and smooth it flat with a spatula.
Fry over a medium heat for about 8 to 10 minutes or until underside is brown, and the Bubble & Squeak sizzles, bubbles and squeaks! (Sorry, could not resist that!).
Place a large plate over the pan and turn the pan and plate over so that the bubble and squeak is on the plate.
Heat the remaining butter in the pan and carefully slide the Bubble & Squeak back in the pan.
Cook again over a medium heat until the other side is golden brown.
Cut into wedges and serve with eggs and bacon for breakfast, or bread and butter for a light snack or supper dish. This is also wonderful as an accompaniment to stews and casseroles.
Method for diced, boiled, or roasted potatoes:
Mix all the vegetables together as above, and just fry them in a frying pan together; there is no need to press them down into a cake. Stir them regularly to achieve an all over color; then serve them with a spoon, rather than cut into slices. They still taste the same!