King Ranch Chicken Casserole

The Chick­en King is baked! Long live the Chick­en King!

Bubble & Squeak

This recipe sails right past “Oh I say!” and “Wot’s all this then?” and approach­es Ter­ry-Thomas lev­els of sheer Britishness.

Sauce. Alfredo Sauce. Stirred, Not Shaken

You can call this Super­nat­ur­al Elf Coun­selor Sauce if you want, but that’s too sil­ly for me.

Murder Victim Enchiladas

You’ll straight up mur­der these enchi­ladas! Try to wait till they cool off a lit­tle, though.


Next up: Leek­i­ladas and Rhubarbacoa!

BBQ Shrimp Pasta Salad

Jum­bo shrimp: The tasti­est oxy­moron in the Eng­lish language!


Take it from Sam Elliott and Han­ni­bal Lecter: You can’t go wrong with chateaubriand.

Wingstop Chicken Wings

I’m ter­ri­bly sor­ry about this pho­to. Wait—no I’m not.

KFC’s Public 11 Herbs and Spices

Not stolen from KFC! No law­suit necessary!

Cowboy Bacon Beans

Beans and bacon! If you just fin­ished a hedo­nis­tic 4,000-calorie Thanks­giv­ing din­ner and some­one put a bowl of this in front of you, you’d snarf it down like a starv­ing coyote!