Two-Cheese Potatoes au Gratin

Said it before; say­ing it again: There is no such thing as too much cheese.

Easy Pierogi Casserole

Pier­o­gis: A pil­lar of Pol­ish cuisine!

Meatloaf Casserole

This may very well be the ulti­mate in com­fort food!

Breakfast Spuds Seasoning

If you like roast­ed break­fast pota­toes you’ve prob­a­bly sea­soned them with Lawry’s Sea­son­ing Salt or some­thing sim­i­lar. Try this sea­son­ing and you’ll nev­er go back!

Bubble & Squeak

This recipe sails right past “Oh I say!” and “Wot’s all this then?” and approach­es Ter­ry-Thomas lev­els of sheer Britishness.

Bacon and Onion Spud Packets

This is a fan­tas­tic way to serve deli­cious, hot din­ners when you’re camp­ing or grilling—you can also freeze them and pop them in the oven!

Traditional Irish Breakfast

It’s not a heart attack on a plate; it’s a heart attack, high blood pres­sure, dia­betes and a stroke on a plate.

Corned Beef & Cabbage

I love corned beef, but I’m not a fan of the mushy cab­bage and veg­gies you get when it’s all pre­pared in the same slow cook­er. With this recipe you’ll be cook­ing the beef, cab­bage and oth­er veg­gies and spuds sep­a­rate­ly so they’re all done just right.

Lorraine’s Potato Salad

If you’re grilling or pic­nick­ing out­side, it should be ille­gal not to have pota­to sal­ad with your sand­wich­es or brisket or hot dogs or whatever.