Corned Beef & Cabbage

I love corned beef, but I’m not a fan of the mushy cab­bage and veg­gies you get when it’s all pre­pared in the same slow cook­er. With this recipe you’ll be cook­ing the beef, cab­bage and oth­er veg­gies and spuds sep­a­rate­ly so they’re all done just right.


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  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 5 lb. flat-cut corned beef brisket
  • 1 tbsp. brown­ing sauce
  • 1 tbsp. veg­etable oil
  • 2 onions, sliced
  • 6 cloves gar­lic, sliced
  • 2 tbsp. water
  • 1 head cabbage
  • Pota­toes 
  • Car­rots
  • 3 cups beef stock
  • Beer

Pre­heat oven to 275°.

Dis­card any fla­vor­ing pack­et from corned beef. Brush brisket with brown­ing sauce on both sides. Heat veg­etable oil in a large skil­let over medi­um-high heat and brown brisket on both sides in the hot oil, 5 to 8 min­utes per side.

Place brisket on a rack set in a roast­ing pan. Scat­ter one of the onions, sliced, and gar­lic slices over brisket and add 2 cups of beef stock to roast­ing pan. Cov­er pan tight­ly with alu­minum foil.

Roast in the pre­heat­ed oven until meat is ten­der, about 6 hours. When the brisket’s inter­nal tem­per­a­ture reach­es 160°, remove from oven. Let brisket rest, cov­ered, for 20 min­utes before serving.

While the brisket’s roasting:

Cube pota­toes and slice car­rots and oth­er onion. You can put ’em in the roast­er with the beef stock or use your slow cook­er. Either way, start the veg­gies about 2 hours before the brisket’s done. I pre­fer the slow cook­er; you can start the veg­gies when you want and you won’t have to uncov­er the meat before it’s done.


Mak­ing corned beef and cab­bage in a slow cook­er is more tra­di­tion­al and def­i­nite­ly a lot eas­i­er than roast­ing it and prepar­ing the cab­bage and veg­gies separately. 

I think it’s worth the extra effort, though—the brisket gets a nice sear­ing before you roast it, and it’s a lot more savory and juicy.

But the best part is that your cab­bage won’t turn to mush. Try it this way and you’ll nev­er go back:

Right after you put the brisket in the oven, pour two bot­tles of beer and a cup of beef stock into a large saucepan. Bring to a boil, then low­er heat and sim­mer for about 30 min­utes until all the car­bon­a­tion is gone.


Boil­ing any car­bon­at­ed bev­er­age takes con­stant atten­tion and cau­tion: It can boil over in a blink and burn almost as fast. Keep a close eye on it and stir frequently. 

Once the beer and beef stock is done sim­mer­ing, remove from heat and cover.

About 10 min­utes before the beef’s done roast­ing, heat the beer/beef stock mix­ture back up to a boil.

While the beef  is rest­ing, cut the cab­bage up into large wedges. Steam or sim­mer cab­bage wedges for about 15 min­utes and serve with the beef.