Clarified Butter? Ghee Whiz!

Use clar­i­fied but­ter with pop­corn, crab legs, lob­ster, sautée­ing veggies—once you try it you’ll nev­er go back!

Texas Roadhouse Honey Butter

When you eat at Texas Road­house, you’re already half-stuffed on rolls when your entree shows up; this but­ter is why.

Skillet Cornbread

The oper­a­tive word in this recipe’s title is SKILLET. If you don’t have a 9‑inch cast-iron skil­let that would also make a dandy mur­der weapon, go get one.


Ginger Marinated Tuna Steak With Wasabi Butter

Best tuna steak you’ll ever taste. Don’t feed it to your cat or I will find you and things could get ugly.

Wasabi Butter

I would warn you not to rub your butt with wasabi, but it’s a self-cor­rect­ing problem.