Chicken Stock for the Mad Scientist’s Soul

I love recipes with zil­lions of options to tin­ker with, and stock is the quin­tes­sen­tial mad sci­en­tist recipe.

Clarified Butter? Ghee Whiz!

Use clar­i­fied but­ter with pop­corn, crab legs, lob­ster, sautée­ing veggies—once you try it you’ll nev­er go back!

Breakfast Spuds Seasoning

If you like roast­ed break­fast pota­toes you’ve prob­a­bly sea­soned them with Lawry’s Sea­son­ing Salt or some­thing sim­i­lar. Try this sea­son­ing and you’ll nev­er go back!

Oils and Fats and Smoke Points, Oh My

Here’s the skin­ny on all your fats and oils.

Yer Basic 8‑Yolk Pasta Dough

Tired of karaoke pas­ta? Here’s how to pro­mote your pas­ta from a resound­ing “meh” to GREAT pasta!

Soffritto-Style Seasoning Blend

This isn’t a sof­frito, strict­ly speak­ing; sof­frito is usu­al­ly a mix­ture of onions, car­rots, and cel­ery soft­ened with olive oil or but­ter. I’m call­ing it a sof­frito because it’s based on a Trad­er Joe’s Sof­frito sea­son­ing blend I like but want­ed to play with the blend. I like using it for ham­burg­ers, meat­loaf or oth­er recipes with ground beef.

Basic Pasta Dough Flour Mix

If you don’t buy this book, the ter­ror­ists win. Even worse—you won’t know how to make great pasta.

Bacon Salt

If you read the title “Bacon Salt” but you did­n’t imme­di­ate­ly swoon, you’re a bad per­son and you should feel bad.

Candied Ginger

If a recipe calls for can­died gin­ger, you can usu­al­ly mix up some ground gin­ger and sug­ar and call it good. But the real thing is much better.