
Next up: Leek­i­ladas and Rhubarbacoa!

Perfect Burger Sauce

Got a per­fect burg­er? Don’t just squirt some ketchup and mus­tard on it–use this per­fect sauce!


Take it from Sam Elliott and Han­ni­bal Lecter: You can’t go wrong with chateaubriand.

Texas Ranger BBQ Brisket

If you ever set­tle for any store-bought rub or sauce after try­ing this recipe, Chuck Nor­ris will per­son­al­ly kick your ass clear off the planet.

Slow Cooker Prime Rib

Time to sack up, march brave­ly into the unknown, and emerge with a new way to pre­pare the King of All Beef. No child sac­ri­fices needed.

Slow Cooker Corn Chili and Cornbread

Corn bread and corn chili: Two great tastes that taste bet­ter together!


A rus­tic South­ern Italy com­fort food with three of my favorite fea­tures: It’s easy; you have a lot of time to hang out and drink with fam­i­ly while it sim­mers; and it makes the house smell great.

Stuffed Meatloaf

If you’ve nev­er tried meat­loaf with stuff­ing, you’re miss­ing a real treat!

Meet the Wellington Family!

Beef Welling­ton: The grand­fa­ther of the Welling­ton fam­i­ly. Refined. Nuanced.

Corned Beef & Cabbage

I love corned beef, but I’m not a fan of the mushy cab­bage and veg­gies you get when it’s all pre­pared in the same slow cook­er. With this recipe you’ll be cook­ing the beef, cab­bage and oth­er veg­gies and spuds sep­a­rate­ly so they’re all done just right.