Cheesy Breakfast Bacon Bombs

Here’s anoth­er recipe you can mod­i­fy to your heart’s con­tent. Sshh: You don’t have to have them for break­fast either!

Gordon Ramsey’s &%#$*)(@! American Hash Browns and $%$#@!@ Eggs

Gor­don Ram­sey says the world’s best break­fasts come from Amer­i­ca. Since we eat break­fast for break­fast, lunch and din­ner, I think he’s on to something.

Fluffy Scrambled Eggs

You know how when you go to a din­er or deli, the omelettes or scram­bled eggs are all pret­ty and fluffy? How do they do that? Sim­ple: By sum­mon­ing demons, which I don’t rec­om­mend. Here’s a safer way to make fluffy eggs yourself.

Apple Oatmeal Crisp

Fast, easy, inex­pen­sive and healthy! (Well, healthy for a dessert, anyway.)

Traditional Irish Breakfast

It’s not a heart attack on a plate; it’s a heart attack, high blood pres­sure, dia­betes and a stroke on a plate.

Homemade Pancake Syrup

Dear Aunt Jemi­ma and Mrs. But­ter­worth: Sor­ry to see you go, but we’ve trad­ed up

German Pancakes

Not part of a nutri­tious break­fast. You won’t care.

Egg Casserole

All the king’s hors­es and all the king’s men can’t make this casse­role. You’re on your own.

Peg Leg Mary’s Breakfast Cass-ARR-ole

Take my advice and make way too much of this break­fast! It’s one of those dish­es that tastes even bet­ter warmed up in the microwave over the next few days.

Cherry Biscotti

To bold­ly go where no bis­cot­ti has gone before!