Cheesy Breakfast Bacon Bombs
Here’s another recipe you can modify to your heart’s content. Sshh: You don’t have to have them for breakfast either!
- Categories:
- Biscuits/Rolls
- Breakfast
- Cheddar
- Cheese
Gordon Ramsey’s &%#$*)(@! American Hash Browns and $%$#@!@ Eggs
Gordon Ramsey says the world’s best breakfasts come from America. Since we eat breakfast for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I think he’s on to something.
- Hat Tip:
- Gordon Ramsey
- Categories:
- Breakfast
- Eggs
Fluffy Scrambled Eggs
You know how when you go to a diner or deli, the omelettes or scrambled eggs are all pretty and fluffy? How do they do that? Simple: By summoning demons, which I don’t recommend. Here’s a safer way to make fluffy eggs yourself.
Apple Oatmeal Crisp
Fast, easy, inexpensive and healthy! (Well, healthy for a dessert, anyway.)
Traditional Irish Breakfast
It’s not a heart attack on a plate; it’s a heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes and a stroke on a plate.
Homemade Pancake Syrup
Dear Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworth: Sorry to see you go, but we’ve traded up
- Categories:
- Breakfast
- Sauce/Relish
German Pancakes
Not part of a nutritious breakfast. You won’t care.
Egg Casserole
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t make this casserole. You’re on your own.
- Hat Tip:
- Mom!
- Categories:
- Breakfast
- Casseroles
- Eggs
Peg Leg Mary’s Breakfast Cass-ARR-ole
Take my advice and make way too much of this breakfast! It’s one of those dishes that tastes even better warmed up in the microwave over the next few days.
Cherry Biscotti
To boldly go where no biscotti has gone before!