Bacon and Onion Spud Packets

This is a fan­tas­tic way to serve deli­cious, hot din­ners when you’re camp­ing or grilling—you can also freeze them and pop them in the oven!

Cowboy Bacon Beans

Beans and bacon! If you just fin­ished a hedo­nis­tic 4,000-calorie Thanks­giv­ing din­ner and some­one put a bowl of this in front of you, you’d snarf it down like a starv­ing coyote!

Easy Pierogi Casserole

Pier­o­gis: A pil­lar of Pol­ish cuisine!

Cappuccino Fudge

Don’t be sur­prised if you hear a heav­en­ly choir when you taste this!

Maple Bacon Popcorn

You had me at “bacon.”

Apple Oatmeal Crisp

Fast, easy, inex­pen­sive and healthy! (Well, healthy for a dessert, anyway.)

Slow Cooker Corn Chili and Cornbread

Corn bread and corn chili: Two great tastes that taste bet­ter together!

Traditional Irish Breakfast

It’s not a heart attack on a plate; it’s a heart attack, high blood pres­sure, dia­betes and a stroke on a plate.

Bacon Soap

Every­thing is bet­ter with bacon—even soap! No; it’s not soap that looks like bacon. It’s not bacon-scent­ed soap. Look, you’re over­think­ing this: It’s soap made of bacon. Hence the name: BACON. SOAP. Clear?


Lean back before you drool all over your keyboard.