Easy-Peasy Pizza Dough

This piz­za dough is not only deli­cious, it’s also FAST—it needs only 30 min­utes to rise—so from start to fin­ish you’ll have hot piz­za in less than an hour!

Vinegan Pickles

Vine­gan: some­one who does­n’t like vine­gar. If you’re a Vine­gan, this pick­le recipe’s for you!

Pepperoni Caesar Salad

Sor­ry, pep­per­oni: You might tell the great­est jokes in his­to­ry, but you’re too deli­cious to spare. We’ll have to get our jokes elsewhere.

Garlic Beef Jerky

There is noth­ing brief about jerky!

Garlic PAMERZAM! Shaving Cream

How about some spuds so smooth and creamy you can’t decide whether to eat ’em or shave with ’em?

Spicy Garlic-Mint Sauce

Gar­lic and mint mixed togeth­er? Don’t knock it till you try it.

Italian Pasta Stirfry

Offer them a wok they can’t refuse.

Lemon Vinaigrette

You’ll enjoy this a lot more than the lemon did. I promise.

Honey Lime Dressing

No, we won’t be putting the lime in a coconut.