Vinegan Pickles

Vine­gan: some­one who does­n’t like vine­gar. If you’re a Vine­gan, this pick­le recipe’s for you!

  • Ingre­di­ents
  • 5 Kir­by cucum­bers, or how­ev­er many you can fit into a half-gal­lon jar. You can also slice your cukes into coins or spears if you can’t get Kirbys
  • 12 tsp. corian­der seeds
  • 12 tsp. mus­tard seeds
  • 12 tsp. black peppercorns
  • Sev­er­al sprigs of fresh dill
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 6 cloves gar­lic, minced
  • 14 cup sea salt
  • 6 cups dis­tilled water
  • Addi­tion­al whole corian­der seeds and pep­per­corns to add on top
  • Mor­tar and pestle 
    • OPTIONS: Cof­fee grinder, rolling pin, food processor


Wash your cucumbers.

Dis­solve your sea salt in the water.

Grind up all the dry ingre­di­ents: corian­der, mus­tard seeds, pep­per­corns, bay leaves). If you don’t have a mortar/pestle, but them in a plas­tic bag and use a rolling pin to crush them, or grind them up with a food proces­sor or cof­fee grinder.

Stuff the cucum­bers in your jar. Add the minced gar­lic in the jar and ground spices, then pour the salt water mix­ture on top. 

Add the fresh dill on top. Add in your addi­tion­al corian­der seeds, pep­per­corns and bay leaf.

Top off with water to ensure the cucum­bers are com­plete­ly cov­ered in water, and close the jar.

Brine for at least 4 days before eating.