Blinchiki: Blintzes with Sweet Cheese Filling

Lots of work; total­ly worth it.

Strawberry Jam Forever

I think this jam could have stopped the Viet­nam war, but I guess we’ll nev­er know for sure.

Unmucked Fuffins

The first time I tried this recipe I real­ly mucked it up—way too much flour. That’s right: I mucked up the fuffins. So pay attention!

Apple Oatmeal Crisp

Fast, easy, inex­pen­sive and healthy! (Well, healthy for a dessert, anyway.)

Aloha Pork Chops

Pineap­ple and pork: A match made in heaven.

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Nev­er rub anoth­er man’s rhubarb. Get your own rhubarb; then you can rub it all you like.

Cherry Biscotti

To bold­ly go where no bis­cot­ti has gone before! 

Slow Cooker Sweet and Sour Pork

That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.

Pacific Rim BBQ Sauce

You mean all that city-stomp­ing was over a BBQ sauce?

Spiced Pear Butter

Noth­ing per­son­al, Mike. You’re just too yum­my to live.