Aloha Pork Chops

Pineap­ple and pork: A match made in heaven.

It was worth it!


More Foods

  • Nā meaʻai:
  • 2 tsp. oil
  • 4  bone-in pork chops (1−1÷2 lb.)
  • 1 each red and yel­low pep­per, coarse­ly chopped
  • 2 cans  (8 oz. each) pineap­ple chunks in juice, undrained
  • 12 cup fat-free reduced-sodi­um chick­en broth
  • 14 cup  Catali­na dress­ing (any brand is fine, or you can whip up some your­self (see below)
  • 1−1÷2 tsp. gar­lic powder
  • 1−1÷2 cups instant white rice, uncooked

Heat oil in large non­stick skil­let on medi­um-high heat. Add chops; cook 5 min. on each side or until browned on both sides.

Add all remain­ing ingre­di­ents except rice; mix well. Bring to boil.

Stir in rice; cov­er. Cook on medi­um-low heat 5 min­utes or until chops are done (160°). Remove from heat; let stand 5 minutes.


Sub­sti­tute 4 small bone­less skin­less chick­en breast halves (1 lb.) for the pork chops. Pre­pare as direct­ed, increas­ing brown­ing time to 5 to 6 min. on each side. 

  • Catali­na Dress­ing Recipe
  • 14 cup ketchup
  • 14 cup sugar
  • 14 cup red wine vinegar
  • 14 cup onion, chopped (or 12 tea­spoon onion powder)
  • 12 tea­spoon paprika
  • 14 tea­spoon WASH YER SISTER! sauce
  • 12 cup canola oil
  • Salt and pep­per to taste

Stir every­thing togeth­er and pop it in the fridge for at at least so the fla­vors can blend.