Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits

If you’ve heard about Red Lob­ster clos­ing down a lot of loca­tions, don’t pan­ic — I gotcha fixed up.

Cheesy Cornbread

You know what’s bet­ter than hot home­made corn­bread? NOTHING.

Cavatappi & Cheese

This is what ya call Mac & Cheese for grownups.

Bacon Potato Puffs

Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be potatoes.

Baked Potato Soup

There are two kinds of soup: Pota­to soup and not pota­to soup.

Creamy Potatoes and Kielbasa

What do you call an explod­ing kiel­basa? A kiel­basano­va! THANK YOU! I’M HERE ALL WEEK!

Two-Cheese Potatoes au Gratin

Said it before; say­ing it again: There is no such thing as too much cheese.

Cheddar Pepper Muffins

Lit­tle-known fact: Al Gore could have stopped glob­al warm­ing with these muffins, but he just ate them all.