I Hereby Dub Thee Sir Egg of Nog!

Like so many oth­er things, eggnog from scratch is far more deli­cious than eggnog from the store.

Spatchcocked Turkey

Where’d the word spatch­cock come from? No offi­cial answer; some think it’s Irish and short for “Dis­patch the cock!” This alleged­ly refers to killing a chick­en, but to me it sounds a lot more like slang for “Unzip yer pants!”

Faces of Death Cookies

These cook­ies will haunt your dreams, but in a good way.

Corned Beef & Cabbage

I love corned beef, but I’m not a fan of the mushy cab­bage and veg­gies you get when it’s all pre­pared in the same slow cook­er. With this recipe you’ll be cook­ing the beef, cab­bage and oth­er veg­gies and spuds sep­a­rate­ly so they’re all done just right.

Buttery Herb Stuffing/Dressing

An awe­some recipe! Stuff it in your turkey, stuff it in your face, you’ll love it.

Your Grandma’s Green Bean Casserole

I have a recipe for Supe­ri­or Green Bean Casse­role, but some­times you want it the way your Grand­ma used to make it: Way too much salt, mushy canned beans, greasy French-fried onions and all. I don’t judge.

Superior Green Bean Casserole

Every­body loves this Thanks­giv­ing tra­di­tion, but if you want to hear peo­ple rave about how good yours is, this recipe is the way to go!

Root Beer Glazed Ham

CS,B: When I was in col­lege I met a stu­dent whose great-great-grandad invent­ed root beer. Phar­ma­cist by the name of Charles E. Hires. If you hap­pen to bump into him, tell him I said thanks.

Rice Krispies Brrraaaaaaainssssss

Don’t leave the eye­balls attached. We don’t want this to get gross.

Cranberry Sauce

Cran­ber­ry jel­ly: The bal­lis­tics gel of the berry universe.