Rice Krispies Brrraaaaaaainssssss

Don’t leave the eye­balls attached. We don’t want this to get gross.


More Foods

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 16-oz. bag mini marshmallows
  • 7 cups Rice Krispies
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 6 drops red food coloring
  • Red food gel
  • OPTION: If you don’t have any red gel, just chop off a fin­ger and use real blood. 
  • (Not your blood, sil­ly! You don’t want to pass out. Grab a neigh­bor­hood kid and chop off his finger.)
  • Non­stick cook­ing spray
  • Parch­ment paper
Ray Liot­ta was not harmed in the pro­duc­tion of this–

Lay out a sheet of parch­ment to place brains on to cool.

Melt but­ter in a pot over medi­um low heat. Add marsh­mal­lows and melt com­plete­ly, stir­ring con­stant­ly to pre­vent burning.

Add red food col­or­ing. Mix well.

–uh, nev­er mind.

Add Rice Krispies. Stir to coat com­plete­ly. Let them cool a bit.

Coat hands with cook­ing spray. Put about 34 to 1 cup of marsh­mal­low-cov­ered Rice Krispies into the palm of your hand and form into a ball.

Press the ball down on the parch­ment to make into a brain shape.

Oil the han­dle of a large spoon and light­ly press into the top of the ball to cre­ate a line to sep­a­rate the hemispheres.

Repeat to use up all the Rice Krispies.

When the brains have cooled, pipe blood ves­sels on with food gel. Let gel dry completely.