Thin Mint Cookies

If you’re just try­ing to sur­vive until Girl Scout Cook­ies sea­son rolls around again, this is the recipe for you!

Mom’s Cowboy Cookies

Not those cowboys!

Inverted Nipple Cookies

Serv­ing sug­ges­tion: Arrange a bunch of bras on the table and put a cook­ie in each cup.

Faces of Death Cookies

These cook­ies will haunt your dreams, but in a good way.

Impossible Burger Oatmeal Cookies

I want­ed to make some big oat­meal cook­ies so I used my ham­burg­er pat­ty mak­er. They looked like those meat sub­sti­tute burg­ers. Hence the name.

Sugar Cookies

Cook­ie Mon­ster approved!

Apple Spice Drops

I’d like it even bet­ter if he paint­ed “FREE APPLESAUCE” on the side.

Rocky Road Brownies

Cut­ting into squares is total­ly optional.

Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Recipes list ingre­di­ents in order of impor­tance. Notice how choco­late is list­ed before oat­meal. ‘Nuff said.

Aunt Joyce’s Oatmeal Cookies

Don’t wor­ry: No raisins in this recipe to abuse your trust.