This here is my mom. She’s a fan­tas­tic cook and she taught me an awful lot too.

(Mom is the one over on the right.)

Mom’s Ossim Dinner Rolls

Noth­ing fan­cy here; just deli­cious din­ner rolls!


Take it from Sam Elliott and Han­ni­bal Lecter: You can’t go wrong with chateaubriand.

Mom’s Cowboy Cookies

Not those cowboys!

Mouth Orgasm Cheesecake

Warn­ing: Don’t take this cheese­cake to work unless you want a huge sex­u­al harass­ment lawsuit.

Egg Casserole

All the king’s hors­es and all the king’s men can’t make this casse­role. You’re on your own.

Peg Leg Mary’s Breakfast Cass-ARR-ole

Take my advice and make way too much of this break­fast! It’s one of those dish­es that tastes even bet­ter warmed up in the microwave over the next few days.

Suthin’ Bread Puddin’

Nevah git between a suthin’ gen­tle­man and his bread pud­din’. ‘Spe­cial­ly if’n it’s gots PEE-cans in it!

Labor of Love Ragu

This sauce is a lot of work. It’s more than worth it.

Cheesy Penne, Bacon and Broccoli

Pas­ta, cheese and bacon: Enough noms that you can for­give broc­col­i’s presence.

Chocolate Layered Delight

All the choco­late in this makes Willy Won­ka green with envy.