Texas Roadhouse Rolls

These rolls are why you’re already stuffed when your entree shows up at Texas Roadhouse.

KFC’s Public 11 Herbs and Spices

Not stolen from KFC! No law­suit necessary!

Subway Sweet Onion Sauce

If, like all right-think­ing folks, you loved Sub­way’s sweet onion sauce and were sad to see it go, this is for you.

Thin Mint Cookies

If you’re just try­ing to sur­vive until Girl Scout Cook­ies sea­son rolls around again, this is the recipe for you!

Wingstop Chicken Wings

I’m ter­ri­bly sor­ry about this pho­to. Wait—no I’m not.

Shake ‘n’ Bake

Easy to use, just like Shake ‘n’ Bake, but with bet­ter flavor!

Sonic Onion Rings

Wan­na know why you love Son­ic onion rings? It’s a secret ingre­di­ent: ice cream. No, really.

Texas Roadhouse Honey Butter

When you eat at Texas Road­house, you’re already half-stuffed on rolls when your entree shows up; this but­ter is why.

Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits

If you’ve heard about Red Lob­ster clos­ing down a lot of loca­tions, don’t pan­ic — I gotcha fixed up.

Bruce Lee Spaghetti

This is sort of stolen from Cal­i­for­nia Piz­za Kitchen’s Kung Pao Spaghet­ti. But it’s Bruce Lee Spaghet­ti because it’s BADASS.