My dad always pro­nounced hors d’oeu­vres as HORSE DOOVERS. You can call ’em what­ev­er you like, but on this site we call them HORSE DOOVERS.

He also pro­nounced Worces­ter­shire sauce as WASH YER SISTER, and Parme­san as PAMERZAM. Don’t like it? Set up your own recipe site!

Vinegan Pickles

Vine­gan: some­one who does­n’t like vine­gar. If you’re a Vine­gan, this pick­le recipe’s for you!

Sonic Onion Rings

Wan­na know why you love Son­ic onion rings? It’s a secret ingre­di­ent: ice cream. No, really.

Maple Bacon Popcorn

You had me at “bacon.”

Rosemary Focaccia

Focac­cia means “flat bread” in Ital­ian. Sor­ry if you were look­ing for a com­pli­cat­ed back story.

Chili Lime Beef Jerky

Q: What wine pairs best with beef jerky?
A: Beer!

How To: Beef Jerky Basics

Yes, this is a beefy jerk. We’re talk­ing about beef jerky, though.

Garlic Beef Jerky

There is noth­ing brief about jerky!

Apple Spice Drops

I’d like it even bet­ter if he paint­ed “FREE APPLESAUCE” on the side.

Apple Chips

How do ya like THEM apples?