Sauce. Alfredo Sauce. Stirred, Not Shaken

You can call this Super­nat­ur­al Elf Coun­selor Sauce if you want, but that’s too sil­ly for me.

Rosemary Focaccia

Focac­cia means “flat bread” in Ital­ian. Sor­ry if you were look­ing for a com­pli­cat­ed back story.


A rus­tic South­ern Italy com­fort food with three of my favorite fea­tures: It’s easy; you have a lot of time to hang out and drink with fam­i­ly while it sim­mers; and it makes the house smell great.

Soffritto-Style Seasoning Blend

This isn’t a sof­frito, strict­ly speak­ing; sof­frito is usu­al­ly a mix­ture of onions, car­rots, and cel­ery soft­ened with olive oil or but­ter. I’m call­ing it a sof­frito because it’s based on a Trad­er Joe’s Sof­frito sea­son­ing blend I like but want­ed to play with the blend. I like using it for ham­burg­ers, meat­loaf or oth­er recipes with ground beef.

Labor of Love Ragu

This sauce is a lot of work. It’s more than worth it.

BLT Pizza

That Dough­boy already gets all the chicks. Now he’s stealin’ our sammiches!

Jalapeño Bacon Flat Bread

Is it Ital­ian or Mex­i­can? Who cares?

Bruce Lee Spaghetti

This is sort of stolen from Cal­i­for­nia Piz­za Kitchen’s Kung Pao Spaghet­ti. But it’s Bruce Lee Spaghet­ti because it’s BADASS.

Deep Dish Sausage Pizza

Take it easy, man! It’s just a pizza.

Pizza Crescent Casserole

It’s a casse­role piz­za, but it’s NOT that slimy cold stuff you got at school.