Jalapeño Bacon Flat Bread

Is it Ital­ian or Mex­i­can? Who cares?

  • Ingre­di­en­tés:
  • 1 lb. refrig­er­at­ed piz­za dough
  • 1 tub  (10 oz.) cream cheese
  • 8 pieces thick-sliced smoked bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • 1 cup cher­ry toma­toes, halved
  • 14 cup  thin­ly sliced red onion
  • 1 cup Mex­i­can cheese blend (usu­al­ly Ched­dar, Col­by and Mon­terey Jack)

Heat oven to 425º.

Pat piz­za dough into 16x12-inch rec­tan­gle on light­ly floured bak­ing sheet. Bake 10 min.

Spread crust with cream cheese spread; top with remain­ing ingredients.

Bake 10 to 12 min. or until shred­ded cheese is melt­ed and crust is gold­en brown.


Sub­sti­tute drained canned pineap­ple tid­bits for the halved cher­ry tomatoes.