Cheese Enchiladas

Spi­der-Man approved!

  • ¡Ingre­di­entes!
  • 14–16 tor­tillas
  • 1 lb. shred­ded Mex­i­can cheese blend
  • Sauce!
  • 3 tbsp. veg­etable oil
  • 2 tbsp. all pur­pose flour
  • 3 tbsp chili powder
  • 12 tsp. onion powder
  • 12 tsp. dried oregano
  • 12 tsp. salt
  • 14 tsp. gar­lic powder
  • 14 tsp. cumin
  • 14 cup toma­to paste
  • 2 cups chick­en broth
  • Options for top­ping after bak­ing the enchiladas:
  • Sour cream
  • Sal­sa
  • Chopped cilantros


Pre­heat oven to 350 degrees. 

Heat oil in a saucepan over medi­um heat, then add flour and whisk con­stant­ly for 1 minute.

Add all spices, then whisk until the spices are toast­ed and very fra­grant, 1 to 2 minutes.

Add toma­to paste then whisk until combined.

Slow­ly stream in chick­en broth while whisk­ing to cre­ate a smooth sauce then turn heat up to medi­um-high and sim­mer until sauce has thick­ened, 3–4 min­utes, stir­ring often.

Spray a 9×13 casse­role dish with non­stick cook­ing spray. Spread 12 cup enchi­la­da sauce into the bot­tom of the dish or dishes.

Reserve 1 cup shred­ded cheese and set aside. Drain the green chiles and add to the rest of the cheese

Wrap 5 tor­tillas at a time in a damp paper tow­el, then microwave for 20 sec­onds to warm.

Place a tor­tilla on a plate or cut­ting board, then add 14 cup shred­ded cheese into the cen­ter and roll snug­ly. Place seam-side down into the bak­ing dish; repeat con­tin­ue until the dish has been filled.

Spoon enchi­la­da sauce over the tops of the tor­tillas, ensur­ing they are com­plete­ly covered—uncovered spots will come out tough and hard—then sprin­kle reserved cheese on top.

Cov­er bak­ing dish with non­stick-sprayed foil then bake for 20–30 min­utes, or until the cheese has melt­ed and sauce is hot and bubbly.

Let enchi­ladas rest for 5 min­utes, then serve.