This here is my mom. She’s a fan­tas­tic cook and she taught me an awful lot too.

(Mom is the one over on the right.)

Sweet Sausage Rolls

Hel­lo, Jim­my Dean. Let’s play a game.

Swedish Cream

The most amaz­ing dessert you’ve ever tast­ed, or my name isn’t Svårgên Lüte­fîsk Løki Vîn Ümlaut Du Köm­mer Att Assim­i­l­eras of Børg!


Read this book right after din­ner. That is the very clos­est a cat should ever get to your lasagnea.

Peanut Chocolate Pudding Dessert

If you like peanuts, be sure to thank a peanut­jack for all his hard work.

Italian Meat Sauce (Lasagnea, Spaghetti, Whatevs)

Half-naked come­di­an sold separately.

English Toffee

Pos­si­bly the only recipe I have that requires a sledgehammer.

Pumpkin Crunch

Pho­to cour­tesy the Ed Gein Cookbook.