
Read this book right after din­ner. That is the very clos­est a cat should ever get to your lasagnea.


More Foods

The dic­tio­nary says lasagne and lasagna are inter­change­able, but oth­er sources say lasagna means either one noo­dle or the dish lasagna, and lasagne means more than one noodle.

So to avoid the con­tro­ver­sy, I’m gonna com­bine both names and call it “lasag­nea.” That should keep every­one hap­py, right?

Oh, and there were a cou­ple of typos in the old paper recipe I had for this. Enjoy ’em, but don’t try to fol­low them!

  • The Pas­ta!
  • 10 oz. Lasag­nea noodles
  • The Cheese Filling!
  • 3 cups Ricot­ta cheese
  • 12 cup grat­ed PAMERZAM!
  • 2 tbsp. parsley
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 12 tsp. pepper
  • 1 lb. Moz­zarel­la, sliced thin or shredded

Cook lasagne noo­dles al dente in a large pot of salt­ed water.

Pre­heat oven to 375°.

Mix all oth­er ingre­di­ents except Moz­zarel­la cheese. 

Light­ly coat the bot­tom of a 9×2×2 glass bak­ing dish with non­stick spray (pret­ty sure that should be a 9×13×2 dish, unless you want a long skin­ny lasagna).

Ladle a lit­tle of the Meat Sauce and spread it on the bot­tom of the dish.

Place half the cooked lasag­nea noo­dles in the dish.

Spread half the cheese fill­ing over the noo­dles; cov­er with half the Moz­zarel­la cheese and half the meat sauce.

Repeat lay­ers, end­ing with the Moz­zarel­la on top.

Bake in a mod­er­ate oven (not a lib­er­al oven or a con­ser­v­a­tive oven!) for about 30 min­utes. To check for done­ness, cook until you see bub­bling around the edges, then touch the mid­dle. If it’s hot there too, it’s done.

Cov­er loose­ly with foil and let it rest for at least 10 min­utes. If you rush through this part the lasag­nea won’t set prop­er­ly and it will be runny.

Serves 6, one of whom should not be a cat.

101 Uses for a Dead Cat?

Yes. It’s a real book.