New Year’s Day Sammiches

I here­by guar­an­tee that these will be the best sand­wich­es you’ve had all year, as long as you eat them on New Year’s Day.

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 1 pkg. (12 count) Hawai­ian bread rolls
  • 1 lb. shaved ham
  • 12 slices Gruyere cheese
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 1 tbsp. WASH YER SISTER! sauce
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar
  • 14 cup PAMERZAM!

Com­bine the but­ter, Dijon, WASH YER SISTER! and Gruyere in a saucepan. Cook at medi­um heat; just bare­ly bring­ing it to a boil.

Cut the rolls in half side­ways; place the roll bot­toms in a 9×13 cook­ing pan.

Lay­er the ham and Gruyere on the rolls, with the Gruyere on top.

Driz­zle about 13 of the sauce over the cheese; put tops on rolls.

Driz­zle the remain­ing sauce over the roll tops.

Cov­er with foil and refrig­er­ate for a year (okay, okay: refrig­er­ate overnight, but if you stick ’em in the fridge on New Year’s Eve it will be next year when you take them back out. It’s a stu­pid joke; nev­er mind).

Bake at 325° for 10 min­utes cov­ered, then uncov­ered for anoth­er 10.