Sweet Sausage Rolls

Hel­lo, Jim­my Dean. Let’s play a game.

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 1 8‑oz. tube refrig­er­at­ed cres­cent rolls
  • 24 minia­ture smoked sausage links
  • 12 cup but­ter or mar­garine, melted
  • 3 tbsp. honey
  • 3 tbsp. brown sugar
  • 12 cup chopped nuts

Pre­heat oven to 400°.

Unroll cres­cent dough and sep­a­rate into tri­an­gles. Cut each length­wise into three small­er triangles.

Place a sausage link at one end of each and roll up tight­ly; set aside.

Cream togeth­er the but­ter, hon­ey and brown sug­ar. Fold in the nuts and spread the mix­ture in a 13×9 bak­ing dish.

Arrange sausage rolls, seam side down, in but­ter mixture.

Bake uncov­ered at 400° for 15 — 20 min­utes, or until gold­en brown.