Impossible Burger Oatmeal Cookies

I want­ed to make some big oat­meal cook­ies so I used my ham­burg­er pat­ty mak­er. They looked like those meat sub­sti­tute burg­ers. Hence the name.

These are large unbaked oatmeal cookies. Not fake hamburgers.
  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 14 tbsp. but­ter (1 stick plus 6 tbsp.), softened
  • 34 cup firm­ly packed brown sugar
  • 12 cup gran­u­lat­ed sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp. vanil­la extract
  • 1 12 cups all pur­pose flour
  • 1 tsp. bak­ing soda
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon 
    • Option­al: 1 tsp. nutmeg
  • 12 tsp. salt
  • 3 cups uncooked rolled oatmeal 
    • Options: 1 cup raisins/walnuts/chocolate chips
  • Parch­ment paper
  • Non­stick cook­ing spray
  • Burg­er pat­ty press

Heat oven to 350°.

In a large bowl, whisk togeth­er flour, salt, and bak­ing soda. Set aside.

Beat but­ter and sug­ars in a mix­er until creamy.

Add eggs and vanil­la; beat some more.

Add the com­bined flour, salt, and bak­ing soda a lit­tle at a time, mix­ing well and scrap­ing down the inside of the bowl a few times.

Add the oat­meal and option­al stuff and mix well.

Now what?

Well, ya got three options here: bor­ing reg­u­lar cook­ies, bar cook­ies, and impos­si­ble burg­er cookies.

Boring regular cookies:

Most recipes call for table­spoon-sized balls of dough a few inch­es apart on an ungreased cook­ie sheet, then bak­ing 8 to 10 min­utes until the cook­ies are a light gold­en brown.

Me, when I make cook­ies I like to put a sheet of parch­ment paper on the cook­ie sheet first. When they come out of the oven, I slide the paper off onto a wire rack or the coun­ter­top. Cook­ies are real­ly flim­sy when they’re still hot and I’m a klutz, so the parch­ment paper cuts down on muti­lat­ed cookies.

Makes about 3 dozen cookies.

Bar cookies:

Bake 30 to 35 min­utes in ungreased 13 x 9 casse­role dish (no parch­ment paper. Duh).

Makes one great big cook­ie you won’t have to cut up because it will fall apart while you’re try­ing to get pieces out of the dish.

Impossible burger cookies:

Spray the burg­er press with non­stick cook­ing spray before each cook­ie; put on the parch­ment paper a lot more than a few inch­es apart (I can only fit one or two cook­ies per cook­ie sheet).

You’ll have to exper­i­ment to find the right time to bake the cook­ies, depend­ing on how big your burg­er press is. Takes about 15 min­utes with mine.

Makes 6 cook­ies, at least with my burg­er press. Only 6? Yeah, but they’re 10 inch­es across. Big enough for a naughty Aero­smith song!