Buttery Herb Stuffing/Dressing

An awe­some recipe! Stuff it in your turkey, stuff it in your face, you’ll love it.

  • 18 to 24 ounces toast­ed or stale bread cubes (1.5 loaves of bread, or about 12 to 14 cups) 
  • 1 cup unsalt­ed butter
  • 3 cups diced sweet onion, rough­ly 2 large onions
  • 2 cups diced celery
  • 6 gar­lic cloves, minced
  • Kosher salt and pepper
  • 3 tbsp. chopped fresh sage
  • 3 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
  • 3 tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary
  • 2 12 cups chick­en or veg­etable stock
  • 2 large eggs

For your bread, you can tear up slices of bread or cut them up. My moth­er and grand­moth­er pre­ferred putting the bread in a large mix­ing bowl or roast­ing pan, then leav­ing it on the counter for three or four days. Me, I pre­fer toast­ing it: Put the cubed bread on a bak­ing sheet and bake at 350° for 15 min­utes. What­ev­er gets you through the night is all right.

Pre­heat oven to 350° F. Grease up bak­ing a dish (you can also use a larg­er bak­ing dish or a larg­er foil roast­ing pan too) with melt­ed but­ter or olive oil, or spray it with non­stick spray. Place the bread in a large mix­ing bowl or the bak­ing dish that you will bake it in. You can also sep­a­rate this into two bak­ing dish­es if it’s easier.

Heat the but­ter in a large skil­let or dutch oven over medi­um heat. Once melt­ed, stir in the onion, cel­ery and gar­lic with a big pinch of salt and pep­per — at least ½ to 1 tea­spoon each. Cook until the onions and cel­ery soft­en, about 8 to 10 min­utes. Stir in the sage, pars­ley and rose­mary. Cook for anoth­er minute. Stir in 1 cup of chick­en or veg­gie stock.

Pour the onion and cel­ery mix­ture over the bread crumbs and toss well to coat.

In a small bowl or mea­sur­ing cup, whisk togeth­er the remain­ing 1 ½ cups stock and 2 eggs. Pour that mix­ture into the bread, then stir and fold the bread cubes until thor­ough­ly combined.

Bake the stuff­ing for 45 to 50 min­utes, until the inter­nal tem­per­a­ture reg­is­ters 160° F. If the stuff­ing is get­ting too browned, you can tent it with foil.

This stuff­ing recipe is great to make the night before: Stick it in the fridge when you’re done, then pop it in the oven and heat it at 350° for about an hour.