Two-Cheese Potatoes au Gratin

Said it before; say­ing it again: There is no such thing as too much cheese.

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 12 cup butter
  • 12 cup flour
  • 3 cups milk
  • 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 12 tsp. salt
  • 10 cups thin sliced Yukon gold pota­toes, about 3 lbs.
  • 1 12 cup shred­ded Gruyere (6 oz.)
  • 1 12 cup shred­ded Ched­dar cheese (6 oz.)

Heat oven to 350°. Grease 13 x 9 inch glass bak­ing dish with cook­ing spray.

In a 2‑quart saucepan, melt but­ter over medi­um heat. Stir in flour with wire whisk until smooth. Grad­u­al­ly stir in milk. Heat to boil­ing; reduce heat to low cook about 5 min­utes stir­ring fre­quent­ly, until sauce is slight­ly thick­ened. Stir in salt and mustard.

Place half the pota­toes in bak­ing dish; top with half the sauce and half of each of the cheeses. Repeat layers.

Bake 50–55 min­utes or until pota­toes are ten­der and top is gold­en brown. Let stand for 5–10 min­utes before serving.

High alti­tude: slice pota­toes 18 inch thick and bake 1 hour to 1 hour and 5 minutes.