Cherry Biscotti

To bold­ly go where no bis­cot­ti has gone before! 

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 12 tsp. bak­ing powder
  • 12 tsp. salt
  • 14 cup but­ter, cut into small pieces
  • 1 cup whole almonds, coarse­ly chopped
  • 1 cup whole can­died cherries
  • 2 large eggs, slight­ly beaten
  • 12 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 tbsp. milk, optional

Pre­heat oven to 350°. Com­bine dry ingre­di­ents in a large bowl. Cut in but­ter until coarse crumbs form. Add almonds and cher­ries. Stir in eggs and vanil­la until well blend­ed. If mix­ture is crumbly, add milk. Divide mix­ture in half.

On light­ly floured sur­face, with floured hands, press togeth­er dough and shape into 2–10 inch long logs. Flat­ten to 2 12 inch width. Place logs on greased cook­ie sheet.

Bake in oven at 350° for 30–35 min­utes. With two spat­u­las, trans­fer logs to wire racks to cool for 20 min­utes. With ser­rat­ed knife, cut each log diag­o­nal­ly into 34 inch slices. Bake 15 min­utes or until cook­ies are crisp to touch. Trans­fer to wire rack to cool. Store in air tight con­tain­ers up to 2 weeks.