Cappuccino Fudge

Don’t be sur­prised if you hear a heav­en­ly choir when you taste this!

  • Ingre­di­ents
  • 1 12 tbsp. ground espresso
  • 1 tbsp. hot water
  • 8 tbsp. (1 stick) unsalt­ed butter
  • 2 cups gran­u­lat­ed sugar
  • 34 cup heavy cream
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 pack­age (12 oz) white choco­late chips
  • 1 jar (7 oz) marsh­mal­low cream or fluff
  • 1 tsp. vanil­la extract
  • 2 tbsp. choco­late-cov­ered espres­so beans


Line an 8 x 8 pan with alu­minum foil and spray it with non-stick cook­ing oil.

In small bowl, mix ground espres­so and hot water until the espres­so is com­plete­ly dissolved.

Place the but­ter, sug­ar, heavy cream, and salt in a heavy-bot­tomed medi­um saucepan over medi­um-high heat. Stir until the sug­ar dis­solves and the but­ter melts.

Con­tin­ue to heat the fudge, stir­ring con­stant­ly, until it comes to a boil. Insert a dig­i­tal or can­dy ther­mome­ter and con­tin­ue heat­ing the fudge, stir­ring con­stant­ly, until it reach­es 240° F.

Remove from heat and add the white choco­late chips and marsh­mal­low cream. Stir vig­or­ous­ly until the chips and cream are melt­ed and incor­po­rat­ed. If nec­es­sary, return the fudge to the heat for brief peri­ods to melt the chips.

Add the vanil­la and stir it in.

Next, scoop about 1 12 cups of fudge into the small bowl. You don’t need to mea­sure, just sep­a­rate out approx­i­mate­ly a quar­ter of the fudge. This will be the white swirl you see in the final product.

Pour in the espres­so and stir until it is well-blend­ed. Scrape the cof­fee fudge into the pre­pared pan.

Work­ing quick­ly, scoop spoon­fuls of the white fudge and drop them on top of the cof­fee fudge in a ran­dom pat­tern, spread­ing them out even­ly over the top. Once all of the white fudge is dot­ted on top, swirl a knife through the top of the fudge, cre­at­ing a pat­tern of white and brown swirls. Don’t stir too much and mud­dy the col­ors, you want to end up with very dis­tinct white and brown swirls.

Cov­er the fudge and let it cool and set com­plete­ly, either in the refrig­er­a­tor for 2–3 hours or overnight at room tem­per­a­ture. Once set, lift it from the pan using the foil as han­dles and cut it into small squares using a large sharp knife. 

Gar­nish the squares with choco­late-cov­ered espres­so beans.