Mental Health Brownies

A brown­ie a day keeps the loonies away!

  • Ingre­di­ents
  • Soft but­ter, for greas­ing the pan
  • Flour, for dust­ing the but­tered pan
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 cup sug­ar, sifted
  • 1 cup brown sug­ar, sifted
  • 8 oz. melt­ed butter
  • 1 14 cups cocoa, sifted
  • 2 tsp. vanil­la extract
  • 12 cup flour, sifted
  • 12 tsp. kosher salt

Pre­heat oven to 300° F. But­ter and flour an 8‑inch square pan.

In a mix­er fit­ted with a whisk attach­ment, beat the eggs at medi­um speed until fluffy and light yel­low. Add both sug­ars. Add remain­ing ingre­di­ents, and mix to combine.

Pour the bat­ter into a greased and floured 8‑inch square pan and bake for 45 min­utes. Check for done­ness with the tried-and-true tooth­pick method: a tooth­pick insert­ed into the cen­ter of the pan should come out clean. When it’s done, remove to a rack to cool. Resist the temp­ta­tion to cut into it until it’s most­ly cool.