Foil-Wrapped Grilled Corn on the Cob

Some folks grill corn on the cob with the husks on or with noth­ing on. I like doing it in foil: Strip­ping off the husk and silk after grilling is a pain; grilling ’em uncov­ered makes it too easy to burn the corn. Foil keeps the sea­son­ing on the corn and lets you cook it even­ly on all sides.

  • Ingre­di­ents
  • 4 large ears of corn, husks removed
  • 14 cup but­ter, melted
  • Chili pow­der
  • Gar­lic powder
  • Grat­ed PAMERZAM!
  • Salt
  • Fresh-ground black pepper
  • Heavy-duty alu­minum foil


Shuck the corn and remove the ends with a knife.

For each ear of corn, lay a piece of foil on your counter and place the ear of corn on one end. With a pas­try brush, gen­er­ous­ly brush but­ter on the cob, then sea­son to taste with the chili pow­der, salt, pep­per, and PAMERZAM!

Turn the corn over and apply but­ter and sea­son­ing to the oth­er side. Roll the corn up in the foil and tuck in the ends.

Grill the wrapped corn for 20 min­utes, turn­ing them a quar­ter turn every five minutes.

Optional Seasoning!


Same as above, with roast­ed papri­ka instead of chili powder.

Herbs, Not Spice

Same as above, but with herbs instead of chili pow­der: Pars­ley, sage and rose­mary are great togeth­er; so are cilantro and minced red onion.


Dou­ble down on the chili pow­der or crank up the heat: Mix your favorite hot sauce with the but­ter; mince up some habeñero. Roast those tastebuds!

Lemon-Dill Butter

  • 14 cup but­ter, softened
  • 14 tsp. salt
  • Pinch of black pepper
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. fresh chopped dill

Cream the but­ter togeth­er with the salt, pep­per, lemon juice and chopped dill.

Grill the corn with­out sea­son­ing, then brush each ear with the lemon-dill butter.