
Next up: Leek­i­ladas and Rhubarbacoa!

  • ¡Ingre­di­en­tés!
  • 4 large heir­loom tomatoes
  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 1 enve­lope taco sea­son­ing mix 
    • Option: 2 tbsp. of my awe­some taco sea­son­ing (Click here for the recipe!)
  • 2 tsp. butter
  • 1 medi­um-sized sweet onion, rough­ly chopped
  • 8 oz. shred­ded Mex­i­can blend cheese
  • 4 tbsp. chopped green onions
  • 4 tbsp. of your favorite salsa
  • 4 tbsp. sour cream
  • 3 tbsp. minced gar­lic


Mince about 4 table­spoons of the chopped onion.

In a small skil­let, melt but­ter and caramelize the minced onion until it’s dark brown and just shy of burn­ing. Remove from heat and set aside.

Put the rest of the onion and the ground beef in a large skil­let; brown the ground beef, then drain the meat and onion with a colander.

Return the ground beef and onions to the skil­let, add 34 cup of hot water, and mix in the taco sea­son­ing. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and sim­mer, cov­ered, for 15 minutes.

While the beef sim­mers, pre­heat oven to 350° F.

Use a par­ing knife to cut a cir­cle in the top of each toma­to. With a spoon, scrape out the inside of each toma­to like it’s a Hal­loween pump­kin. To remove the core, you may have to reach inside the toma­to, grab the base of the core and twist it off. 

Add the scooped-out innards, minus the core, to the sim­mer­ing beef and stir in.

Place the toma­toes on a cook­ing sheet lined with foil or parch­ment paper. When the beef’s done, remove from heat and stir in the minced gar­lic.

With a large spoon, fill the toma­toes with the ground beef.

Top with the shred­ded cheese, then place the sheet in the oven until the cheese is melt­ed, usu­al­ly around 5 minutes.

Remove from oven and top, in order, with sal­sa, minced onion, sour cream, and green onions. Serve immediately.