Perfect Burger Sauce

Got a per­fect burg­er? Don’t just squirt some ketchup and mus­tard on it–use this per­fect sauce!

  • Ingre­di­ents
  • 2 dill pick­les, fine­ly diced 
  • 2 tbsp. unsalt­ed butter
  • 12 sweet onion, medi­um diced 
  • 34 cup mayo
  • 12 cup ketchup
  • 14 cup Dijon mustard
  • 1 tbsp. thin­ly sliced chives
  • 2 cloves gar­lic, grated
  • 1 tbsp. WASH YER SISTER! sauce
  • Salt and pep­per to taste


Pre­heat a small saucepan over medi­um heat. Add but­ter and let it melt. Add the diced onion and sea­son light­ly with salt.

Allow onions to cook, con­stant­ly stir­ring, until they are caramelized and deep brown in col­or, about 20–25 minutes.

Every so often your pan may begin to dark­en quite a bit and the onions will get close to burn­ing. At this stage sim­ply add 2 table­spoons of water, stir until com­plete­ly com­bined and con­tin­ue to cook. Once caramelized, allow to cool completely.

In a medi­um bowl, add in all the ingre­di­ents besides onions and stir until well com­bined. Once com­bined, and the caramelized onions are com­plete­ly cooled, add the caramelized onions into the sauce and stir to combine.

Keep in an air­tight con­tain­er in the refrig­er­a­tor for up to 5 days.