American Chop Suey

All chop suey is Amer­i­can chop suey: Chop suey was (prob­a­bly) invent­ed in New York City in 1896. Oh well.

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 1 lb. hamburger
  • 12 lb. macaroni
  • 14 oz. can crushed tomatoes
  • 1 can toma­to soup
  • Medi­um onion
  • 2 cloves minced gar­lic or 12 tsp. gar­lic powder


Sauté ham­burg­er and chopped onion, drain grease.

Add crushed toma­toes, toma­to soup. and gar­lic. Sim­mer gen­tly, stir­ring fre­quent­ly, for 30 minutes.

Fill a large pot with water; boil mac­a­roni al dente, about 11 min­utes. Drain and put the mac­a­roni back in the pot.

Add ham­burg­er and toma­to sauce and stir.