Yes, we know: “Au Jus” means “with juice,” and occasionally you see a menu with prime rib or a French dip sandwich saying “With Au Jus.” If you’re the kind of wiseass who has to say, “Oh, it comes WITH WITH juice?” try not to imagine going to Cocina Kitchen Restaurant on the corner of Table Mesa Road and Plaza Square Drive after stopping at the automatic ATM machine. It’ll be messy if your head explodes.
- Ingredients:
- 1⁄4 cup beef fat drippings from prime rib or other roast beef
- 1 1⁄2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
- 2 cups beef stock
Put the fat drippings in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the flour, whisking constantly, until it starts to thicken—usually around 3 minutes.
Pour in the beef stock; increase heat and bring mixture to a boil.
Boil and whisk until it thickens just a little bit. Get it off the heat before it turns into gravy on you; season with salt and pepper to taste.