This here is my mom. She’s a fan­tas­tic cook and she taught me an awful lot too.

(Mom is the one over on the right.)

Mom’s Cowboy Cookies

Not those cowboys!


Take it from Sam Elliott and Han­ni­bal Lecter: You can’t go wrong with chateaubriand.

Mouth Orgasm Cheesecake

Warn­ing: Don’t take this cheese­cake to work unless you want a huge sex­u­al harass­ment lawsuit.

Egg Casserole

All the king’s hors­es and all the king’s men can’t make this casse­role. You’re on your own.

Peg Leg Mary’s Breakfast Cass-ARR-ole

Take my advice and make way too much of this break­fast! It’s one of those dish­es that tastes even bet­ter warmed up in the microwave over the next few days.

Suthin’ Bread Puddin’

Nevah git between a suthin’ gen­tle­man and his bread pud­din’. ‘Spe­cial­ly if’n it’s gots PEE-cans in it!

Labor of Love Ragu

This sauce is a lot of work. It’s more than worth it.

Cheesy Penne, Bacon and Broccoli

Pas­ta, cheese and bacon: Enough noms that you can for­give broc­col­i’s presence.

Chocolate Layered Delight

All the choco­late in this makes Willy Won­ka green with envy.

Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Recipes list ingre­di­ents in order of impor­tance. Notice how choco­late is list­ed before oat­meal. ‘Nuff said.