Bubble & Squeak

This recipe sails right past “Oh I say!” and “Wot’s all this then?” and approach­es Ter­ry-Thomas lev­els of sheer Britishness.

Texas Ranger BBQ Brisket

If you ever set­tle for any store-bought rub or sauce after try­ing this recipe, Chuck Nor­ris will per­son­al­ly kick your ass clear off the planet.

British Pub Meat Pie

The great thing about this recipe is that the ingre­di­ents and steps list­ed here are just basic sug­ges­tions for how to assem­ble the pie. You can put just about any ingre­di­ents togeth­er and still wind up with a killer tasty pie.

Slow Cooker Prime Rib

Time to sack up, march brave­ly into the unknown, and emerge with a new way to pre­pare the King of All Beef. No child sac­ri­fices needed.


Take it from Sam Elliott and Han­ni­bal Lecter: You can’t go wrong with chateaubriand.

Cheese Enchiladas

Spi­der-Man approved!

Slow Cooker Corn Chili and Cornbread

Corn bread and corn chili: Two great tastes that taste bet­ter together!

Spatchcocked Turkey

Where’d the word spatch­cock come from? No offi­cial answer; some think it’s Irish and short for “Dis­patch the cock!” This alleged­ly refers to killing a chick­en, but to me it sounds a lot more like slang for “Unzip yer pants!”


A rus­tic South­ern Italy com­fort food with three of my favorite fea­tures: It’s easy; you have a lot of time to hang out and drink with fam­i­ly while it sim­mers; and it makes the house smell great.

Stuffed Meatloaf

If you’ve nev­er tried meat­loaf with stuff­ing, you’re miss­ing a real treat!