Homemade Pancake Syrup

Dear Aunt Jemi­ma and Mrs. But­ter­worth: Sor­ry to see you go, but we’ve trad­ed up

German Pancakes

Not part of a nutri­tious break­fast. You won’t care.

Plain Ol’ Bread

It’s just plain ol’ bread. Hence the title.

French Bread

If you over­cook French bread it gets too hard. Not to wor­ry; you can use it to attack Inspec­tor Clouseau!

Impossible Burger Oatmeal Cookies

I want­ed to make some big oat­meal cook­ies so I used my ham­burg­er pat­ty mak­er. They looked like those meat sub­sti­tute burg­ers. Hence the name.

Venezuelan Beaver Cheese?

Does Venezue­lan Beaver Cheese exist? How do you milk a beaver, any­way? Does Venezuela even have beavers?

3rd Degree Burn Slaw

It’s not cole slaw. It’s not warm slaw. It’s not even hot slaw—it’s 3RD-DEGREE BURN SLAW!

Sugar Cookies

Cook­ie Mon­ster approved!

Soffritto-Style Seasoning Blend

This isn’t a sof­frito, strict­ly speak­ing; sof­frito is usu­al­ly a mix­ture of onions, car­rots, and cel­ery soft­ened with olive oil or but­ter. I’m call­ing it a sof­frito because it’s based on a Trad­er Joe’s Sof­frito sea­son­ing blend I like but want­ed to play with the blend. I like using it for ham­burg­ers, meat­loaf or oth­er recipes with ground beef.

Buttery Herb Stuffing/Dressing

An awe­some recipe! Stuff it in your turkey, stuff it in your face, you’ll love it.