Easy Pierogi Casserole

Pier­o­gis: A pil­lar of Pol­ish cuisine!

Bubble & Squeak

This recipe sails right past “Oh I say!” and “Wot’s all this then?” and approach­es Ter­ry-Thomas lev­els of sheer Britishness.

Traditional Irish Breakfast

It’s not a heart attack on a plate; it’s a heart attack, high blood pres­sure, dia­betes and a stroke on a plate.

Corned Beef & Cabbage

I love corned beef, but I’m not a fan of the mushy cab­bage and veg­gies you get when it’s all pre­pared in the same slow cook­er. With this recipe you’ll be cook­ing the beef, cab­bage and oth­er veg­gies and spuds sep­a­rate­ly so they’re all done just right.

Lorraine’s Potato Salad

If you’re grilling or pic­nick­ing out­side, it should be ille­gal not to have pota­to sal­ad with your sand­wich­es or brisket or hot dogs or whatever.

Garlic PAMERZAM! Shaving Cream

How about some spuds so smooth and creamy you can’t decide whether to eat ’em or shave with ’em?

Hash Browns

You don’t have to go to Den­ny’s or Waf­fle House to snag some late-night hash browns.

Nookyalur Bacon & Spuds

Two strips of bacon? Pathet­ic. You can add more if you want; I won’t tell if you don’t!

Bacon Potato Puffs

Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be potatoes.