Nookyalur Bacon & Spuds

Two strips of bacon? Pathet­ic. You can add more if you want; I won’t tell if you don’t!

  • Ingre­di­ents:
  • 2 strips bacon, crumbled
  • 13 cup chopped onion
  • 28 oz. baby pota­toes, washed and halved
  • Salt and pep­per to taste
  • 18 tsp. dried crushed rosemary

Scat­ter bacon and onion in a 9 inch glass pie plate. Microwave at full pow­er for 2 min­utes. Add pota­toes and rose­mary, then salt and pep­per to taste. Cov­er with plas­tic wrap and microwave on full pow­er for 6–7 min­utes, until pota­toes are tender.

Makes 4 servings.