Lone Star Inn Rolls

Not Texas Road­house! No law­suit necessary!

  • Ingre­di­ents
  • 1 pack­et self-acti­vat­ed yeast (2 14 tsp.)
  • 1 14 cup milk
  • 14 cup honey
  • 4 tbsp. clar­i­fied but­ter 
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt
  • 4 cups flour

Bring the milk to a boil. Remove it from heat and let it reduce to a warm tem­perature.

Mix the milk, yeast, and hon­ey in a small bowl until well com­bined. Let it sit for 5 minutes.

In a large bowl, mix 3 table­spoons of the but­ter, the milk mix­ture, egg, and 2 cups of flour. Mix slow­ly until smooth. (Use a mix­er with a dough hook if you have one, oth­er­wise it works by hand.) Grad­u­al­ly add the remain­ing 2 cups of flour and mix until a dough has formed.

Add salt, and mix/knead for 8 min­utes. Then drop the dough onto a floured sur­face and knead for a few more minutes.

Spray a large bowl with cook­ing spray and drop the dough inside. Cov­er the bowl (plas­tic wrap or a damp cloth works) and let it rise for an hour in a warm place.

Spray 2 cook­ie sheets with veg­etable oil. Punch down the dough and roll it out on a flat, floured sur­face until it’s about ½ inch thick. Fold it in half and gen­tly seal.

Cut into 24 squares of even size and place on the cook­ie sheets. Cov­er them and let them rise for about 40 min­utes, until dou­bled in size.

Pre­heat oven to 350° and bake for 12–15 min­utes, or until the top is a light gold­en brown.

Melt the remain­ing table­spoon of but­ter and brush the top of the rolls.

Serve with Lone Star Inn Hon­ey But­ter.

Clarified butter? Vas ist das clarified butter?

But­ter is about 80% but­ter­fat, 15% water and 5% pro­tein solids. Clar­i­fied but­ter sep­a­rates the but­ter­fat from the oth­er ingre­di­ents, giv­ing the but­ter a high­er smoke­point, along with oth­er benefits.

Ya gots two main meth­ods of clar­i­fy­ing but­ter: Melt­ing it and skim­ming off the pro­teins and water by hand, or boil­ing it to sep­a­rate the but­ter­fat. For this recipe, I’d rec­om­mend the hand-skim­ming method.

Learn more about clar­i­fy­ing but­ter.