Upside Down Grilled Cheese Hot Dogs

Grab a nap­kin; you’re drooling.


More Foods

  • Ingre­di­ents
  • 8 sweet Hawai­ian hot dog buns
  • 8 hot dogs 
    • Options: Your gar­den-vari­ety hot dogs are just fine, but you can trade up with brats or sausages if you like!
  • 8 oz. shred­ded sharp cheddar
  • 8 oz. shred­ded Mon­ter­ay Jack
  • 1 stick of butter
  • Sea­son­ing to taste, what­ev­er you like: Chili pow­der, Old Bay, a dry rub 
    • Oth­er options: Crum­bled bacon, pick­les, jalapeños—crunk ’em up!
  • Tools
  • A grid­dle, not a grill. You can make these in a large skil­let in a pinch or put a bak­ing sheet on your grill, but if you try to grill them you’ll just get burned cheese all over your grill.


Heat your griddle/skillet/baking sheet to medi­um hight heat.

Score the hot dogs on both sides and slap ’em on the grid­dle; turn them over a few times till the score lines open up and the skin start to get crispy.

Remove the hot dogs from the grid­dle and reduce heat to medium.

Put the hot dogs in buns and add any extra sea­son­ing or oth­er ingre­di­ents you like.

Pack the buns with cheese until the hot dogs are com­plete­ly cov­ered up; press the cheese down so the cheese won’t fall out.

Put the but­ter on the grid­dle and move it around with tongs or a spat­u­la till the grid­dle’s covered.

Put the stuffed hot dogs face-down on the grid­dle. When the cheese melts and starts to spread out from under the buns, keep a close eye on them until the cheese starts to brown up and gets crispy.

With tongs, turn the hot dogs over and brown them on the back­side of the buns. 

Remove from heat and enjoy!